Research into a dynamic shelf life criterion to optimise the food supply chain

Sponsored by: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, KMU-Net-C

Project Manager: VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, PT-Wissenstransfer/VIP

Duration: 01/2018 – 03/2020

Consortium: arconsis, bwcon, GS1 Germany, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Metro, tsenso 

With the FreshIndex, a new, dynamic concept for calculating the shelf life of food is being researched on the basis of the manufacturer’s hygiene data and the actual, measured storage conditions using dynamic mathematical models of the microbiological processes. In addition to the often longer shelf life of food for consumers and the resulting reduction in food waste, the solution to be developed offers an excellent tool for improving the supply chain and increasing competitiveness with the freshness index as a quantitative measure of product quality.

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